The following is a list of professional colleagues and clients that have graciously allowed us to use them as references |
Integrated GeoStructural Services John Clarke, President 719-548-0600 |
Gregg Conforti Conforti Architects 1430 North Franklin Street Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907 719-633-9792 |
Zachary J. Wirth, P.E. Structural Anchor Supply 11730 Brockton Lane North Osseo, MN 55369 763-428-2368 |
Pono Umiamaka, AIA Senior Architect, CSU Facilities Customer and Corporate Services Division Colorado Springs Utilities, P.O. Box 1103, MC 1260 (719) 668-3703, Cell (719) 492-0939 |
Charles Milligan, P.E. Geoquest, LLC 6825 Silver Ponds Heights #101 Colorado Springs, CO 80908 719-481-4560 |